Why 2024 must be Trump

I voted for Reagan – never regretted it

I voted for George Herbert Walker Bush – never regretted it, although I always suspected his close ties to CIA and the other spook agencies.

I voted for George W. Bush and at the time remained a supporter. But knowing a little more now, I regret the war and the needless loss of American and Iraqi lives. It was a mistake.

I voted for Mc Cain and quickly regretted it because he was a self centered Cold Warrior who never got over himself and his desire to be significant.

I voted for Romney because I believed him, although subsequent events have shown him to be a charlatan and Republican in Name Only. In my estimation he is a very bitter and small minded person.

I voted for Trump and did not regret it one bit. Yes, he was blunt and sometimes profane. Yes, he was egotistical but all politicians are such, (how else would they put themselves forward.) But his policies were my policies. His vision of Make America Great Again spoke to my vision for my beloved nation. And his American First policies were what a leader of any nation should want for his citizens.

I will vote again for Trump, for the third time. I think he is, at the present, the only person capable of achieving a second time the wonderful successes of the first time. I also want my vote restored and my decision acknowledged because the whole 2020 election fraud disenfranchised me and threw me to the gutter, telling me that I must sit down, shut up, wear the gag, take the shot, and be grateful to those who perpetuated election violence against me.

The election of Donald Trump as President in 2024 will be a clear statement of power to those who used nefarious power again me. They did not win. Donald Trump’s victory in 2024 is not about him, its about me and the millions of honest American Citizen voters who faithfully cast their votes in 2020, believing that the system was fair and honest- believing that it was it was unthinkable that factors within our nation would want to enslave me to their liberal globalist woke ideology.

There a few others I will vote for in the future. Governor Ron DeSantis is number one. But if he succumbs to the dictates of the GOP establishment club and is purchased by big money donors as challenger to Trump for the 2024 nomination, then he will have indicated that he too is no better than the many want-to-be egotists who put themselves first before anyone else.

December 2022

De Santis and Trump have calmed the recriminations. I am glad. Trump helped DeSantis and De Santis is helping Trump. I understand Ron’s aspirations to be President and I believe he will be eventually. However, as I have said, we need to right the wrong of 2020 by a massive united vote for Trump and by GOP scrutiny of every State vote. Why? Because my vote and the vote of millions was discounted. This cannot be allowed to stand. It’s not about Trump , it’s about USA.

Is the USA Government Involved in Smuggling People into the Country?

The videos are all over the internet. Government officials are actively gathering adult males and smuggling them across the USA southern border. This is illegal even when done by our government.

It is done at night. The men are ferried by car to small airports and flown to various locations. The local governments are not informed as the men land and are herded into waiting vehicles.

Who is doing this? ICE? Homeland Security? The Justice Department? Where are these smuggled people being housed? Hotels? Private homes? And who is paying for this? Private money? US government tax dollars?

The scenario related above can have only one meaning and one solution. It means that our own government is breaking our laws. It must stop.

Who can stop it? Since these actions subverting our laws are being done by agencies of the executive branch, it will need to be stopped by Congress and the Courts.

How? The Congress must restrict or eliminate funding for the agencies doing this. The courts must rule to uphold our written law.

What can citizens do? Register to vote. And since these criminal actions are being done under a Democrat Administration, voters must vote against all Democrat officials who have remained silent while our own government subverts our sovereignty.