Should Trump Go To Mexico?

There are many people who think that if Donald Trump is elected President of the USA, he will deport up to eleven million illegal immigrants back to Mexico. This had caused hysteria on the Left and is much used by the Hilary campaign. Is it really possible for a President Trump to order an immediate deportation of eleven million people? No it is not! But it is possible for a President Trump to uphold and enforce the immigration laws of the USA.
It is silly to think that Mr. Trump’s position is an immediate roundup of illegal immigrants. Such a action would require a massive and expensive effort. It could only be done by a military force. Think about it!  Eleven million is a lot of people. So, let the far right be a little more sensible and sophisticated and not imagine that such a campaign statement could be actualized by a real time round up and deportation of eleven million people. Likewise, let the hysterical liberal Left stop the screaming and over reaction. Let the liberal left stop the race baiting and the incendiary shouting of racist, bigot and the similar reprehensible slurs.
Let’s instead begin with a question. How did we get to a place where there are eleven million illegal immigrant in the USA?  It came from lax law enforcement on the federal level. It came from the massive numbers of south of the border people entering the USA across its one thousand mile southern border. It came from sympathetic popular thinking that the immigrants were poor and down trodden people who wanted a better life, loved the USA, and like our pilgrim ancestors, were fleeing oppression. But is this the actual image of the modern day southern border immigrant?  The answer is too long for this blog, so I will let the reader give the answer.
Whatever, you answered, the fact is that over time, a time before Donald Trump as candidate, there evolved a massive influx of people who did not want to be American citizens, preferring to retain their language, culture and national affiliation as Mexican, or South American, while living in the USA illegally. These people, overwhelming the social services of many border States, were also given free education for their children, food stamps, and even cash welfare payments. Indeed, many advanced economically, learning English as a second language and getting a job. However, they did not become citizens and the pressure of their numbers forced changes in the USA that were unanticipated and many would say were unwanted.
Why is this a problem for people? All USA citizens are children if immigrants. (Some would exempt the American Indians, but they too migrated from Northern Asia.) It is a problem because of the changes to American social culture that eleven million people of Spanish language have forced upon American society. The key word is “forced” because it is a result of massive illegal action and persistent government laziness that has produced it                                                                                                                                                                       And now people are hearing talk of the importation of one hundred thousand Muslim immigrants by the Obama government. Please note, that this author is calling the southern border immigrants by culture and nationality. It is not common to call them eleven million Roman Catholics. However, the importing of a possible one hundred thousand South West Asian immigrants is according to their own designation, namely, Muslim. This self designation is significant because of its association by the immigrants as to who they are and who they intend to remain. As the southern border immigrants forced an acceptance of Spanish upon the whole nation, so the Muslim immigrants would force acceptance of Muslim Sharia law upon the nation.
Mr. Trump is the only candidate willing to assert that the answer to the continued immigration crisis is a simple assertion that immigrants must become citizens of the USA and that they must accept the laws of the USA as supreme. Of necessity, this applies to those already here illegally, and to those being imported by the Obama administration. How can this be done? Simply by faithfulness to already existing US laws and a consistent and intentional enforcement of the laws. This is nothing new. If you have ever been to Ellis Island, in New York harbor, you realize that our ancestors were closely examined by the government, were registered, and those who were With-Out-Papers were investigated and given temporary residency. These temporary residents were allowed entry, taught English and US law, went to citizenship classes and eventually became US citizens.
The force of Mr. Trump’s campaign rhetoric is to focus a pin point laser upon the reality of USA immigration policy. His intention is to solve it. He is a problem solver. Some would said he is the best hope the nation has to solve this and many other problems that face the USA. This author agrees with that assessment. I have read his book, “The Art of the Deal”. It is not the whole of his credo, but in his book, Donald Trump shares a philosophy of winning by creative deal making. It is a philosophy he will bring to the Presidency. It will be a guiding principle to his compassionate and visionary solution to a problem that many believe to be unsolvable. But Donald Trump has surprised his critics before. He will surprise them again.

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