Help President Trump be a Better President

The Washington Post and New York Times newspapers have been very highly critical of our elected President. From the time that the election was finalized these two newspapers have set up the conspiracy theory about the supposed Russian influence upon the election and an array of criticisms, critiques and editorial accusations. All of this effort by two renown newspapers has been singularly aimed at defeating our democratically elected President. They cannot defeat the election, since even the most cynical people acknowledged that the language used for supposed Russian influence borders on the silly because influence does not mean “hacked” and no one is even suggesting that the actual voter machines were corrupted by the Russian bogeyman. Nonetheless, the Washington Post, The New York Times, Yahoo and Google have all cooperated in a frontal assault upon our new President and his young administration.

This author will not give credibility to the various campaigns that are launched daily by these two newspapers and their Internet partners. But one must wonder as to the reason for their crude assumption that the American electorate is absolutely wrong to have elected President Trump! Franky, I do not comprehend their reasoning. But I will propose that they think the voters are stupid and the newly elected President is even more stupid. In fact, they would claim that anyone who even considers the possibility that President Trump can succeed in “Making America Great Again.” is crazy. That’s it, plain and simple! People for Trump are not only wrong, they are crazy. But why do these newspapers think this way?

I suggest that they have revealed themselves to be narrow-minded, dogmatically Democrat, doctrinally liberal and people who despise the ordinary hard-working middle class American who elected President Trump. I would even go further, suggesting that the editorial boards and reporters of these two newspapers have lost all sense of proportion and fairness in their one hundred percent conviction that their task is to defeat President Trump, defeat his policies, and thereby defeat the American voters who exercised their elective franchise and made him our President. The war of the Washington Post and the New York Times is not against President Trump, rather, it is an openly covert campaign to put down, crush and eradicate the values of the middle class American who voted for him. This effort is a war against middle class workers, middle class mothers and fathers, and middle class family values. It is a war against mainline synagogues and churches and is an unrelenting Jihad against anyone and any institution that does not bow to the philosophical gods promoted by them .

It does not need to be this way. The people at the desks of the Washington Post and the New York Times are also American citizens. The voters for Trump have always acknowledged this, although, the WP and the NYT would not grant the middle class the same designation, preferring cute slander and effeminate slight. But, that said, it is acknowledged by this writer that the people spoken of here are not haters of America, but have a different vision of what they think should be the future of America. Fair enough. But is it really necessary to attack our newly elected President and his young administration with a continuous barrage of criticism, critique and editorial shouting? If the Washington Post and the New York Times really think they have the better plan, then let them help our new President and his young administration to see that plan by explaining it, laying it out clearly in non vitriolic policy articles and working hard to convince President Trump and the voters who elected him that there is a different and better way to govern the nation.

It is imperative that these two venerable news organizations and their Internet and cable proxies stop the effort to defeat Donald Trump and the so-called deplorable and insufferable and un-redeemable Americans who elected him. It can start with a clear acknowledgment that there was no Russian “hacking” of the election. It can continue with a mind change from Donald Trump outsider and one time business mogul, to President Trump the elected head of the American government and our representative to the world. And it could be sustained by an overt effort to help the new President, carried out with the same energy and dedication as the effort to defeat. If this is beyond their capability, then the American reader, citizen, consumer, and voter have every right to reject these two News organizations as anti-American, Anti-democracy and as being organizations worthy of being ignored.

Trump Does Not Hate Hilary

Many of those who oppose Trump also oppose the people who voted for Trump in the primaries. They are against regular, hard working American citizens who got out and went to the polls and voted for Donald Trump. These antagonists to Trump say that the people who voted for Trump are ignorant, or misinformed, or low information voters, or just bigots, racists, or whites who have been left behind, or Uncle Tom Blacks. The anti Trump people, who are both Democrat and Republican, are themselves arrogant snobs, and elitists, who look down on so called “working class” or so called “blue collar” people. They are the problem and not the solution. They are the cause and not the remedy. They are the disease and not the cure. They are repugnant and must be rejected.
The Trump revolution is real. It includes a host of real people who have real lives, and real jobs, and real families and do not live on Park Avenue, New York, or the various haunts of the rich and powerful. And it is their realness that is swelling in power as it rises up to overwhelm and utterly reject the arrogant pride of the anti Trump forces. It is a rising tide of power that will drown the prideful voices of the privileged and smother them under an overwhelming vote of popular affirmation for Donald J. Trump and his intentional preference for the regular and the ordinary and the citizens of America.
This is a real revolution. As of now, it is a political revolution. It is the last desperate gasp of hope by a long suppressed silent majority. It is their last desperate faith in a system that has been corrupted and rigged against them. And they are the ones, the so called clueless taxpayers, who are arrogantly expected to pay for it,-they are the ones who are still hope filled by one man, Donald J. Trump–a billionaire, who like a champion, has entered the arena and volunteered to fight for their cause.
If you, my friend, are reading this, I ask you to vote for Mr. Trump. If you are indeed a friend, and I acknowledge that assertion to be a bold one, nonetheless, if you are a friend, I ask you to share the hope filled and faith filled and reality filled message of Donald Trump. American is supposed to be great. I really believe that is our destiny. Not as a matter of undue pride, but as a humble acceptance of the burden of greatness.
Friends, this writer is a Christian. I am not afraid nor am I ashamed of it. However, I accept and acknowledge that there are Jews, and Hindus, and witch-ans and Confucians, and Shinto-ans, and many other good people of God’s Spirit who are anxious about our America. Trump has no exclusive claim on them nor they on him. But please allow me to assert, that he, Donald J. Trump, and he alone, is standing forward and bravely accepting the derision of those who mock and laugh and deride our faiths, and mock us as they say that we “cling to our guns and our Bibles”.
The author of this article has been involved in political and social revolution before. These have failed. Why? Because good people, people who said that they were on our side, failed to follow through. Your author is afraid of the same result, but I am asking you not to accept the same result–failure. My heart and soul cry out to you to rise up and to go out and to vote for a successful political revolution. Vote for Trump. Your vote is important. If you vote, it will change America for the better. It will change America forever.

The Trump Revolution is Real

Just look at the attendance and the enthusiasm at the Trump Rallies.  Packed arenas.  Lots of young people.  Attendees who will vote in November.  The Trump Revolution is real.

Yes, it does baffle some on the left.  They cannot understand that people who work for a living could possibly like the Billionaire, Donald Trump.  But it is exactly because they do work for a living that the people of the revolution understand and want Trump.  They know the importance of a job. They understand that they have entrepreneur leaders, Masters of Business Administration project managers, and work site supervisors who worked their way up from the bottom. They understand that these are the people Donald Trump hires and these are the people that hire them.   They understand that the big buildings of steel and glass were built by the employees of Donald Trump and that these workers were paid by the Trump organization.  The appreciate the need for hard core, solidly based, forward thinking, revolutionary business people in order to create new and better jobs and more and higher paying positions for those who achieve.  These are people not baffled by Donald Trump, they like him.

At the start of this American Political Revolution, the pundits, the career television commentators and the newly minted college graduate news reporters talked a lot about voter’s outrage and about blue collar anger and white middle class Bible believers and gun owners who should be dismissed as not worthy to be considered.  After Trump’s initial successes there was a lot of TV chatter that this was merely the middle class suburban people expressing their frustration with modern life.  It was inferred that they were backward looking nostalgic people trying to cling to their religion, guns and childhood memories.  In all of this the attitude of those giving us their views on TV and news was that whites, middle class suburbanites, and blue collar workers should be ashamed of themselves.  The reporters used condescending language and expressive body language to show their disdain for those who are the heart and soul of America.   And this heart and soul of American resonates to the message that Donald Trump gives.  They have made him their voice.

Yes, this new American revolution is political, for now!  But there is a growing anxiety among its people that the powerful, and the careerist politicians, and the news media will join forces to quell the rebellion and crush the revolution.  Many would say that this assessment is correct and that once the new American political revolution is put down then all can rest easy.  But this may be a very big mistake.  The people started the Taxed Enough Already (TEA) movement and this was stolen from them by establishment politicians and made into an institution.  The TEA patriots didn’t resist.  They thought it was good.  They elected people who spoke the TEA words in the hope that they were sincere.  They have been disappointed and have leeched away from TEA.  Donald Trump is seen as an answer to their disappointment.

Many flocked to Republican libertarian Senator Rand Paul.  He was a viable and is still a credible source of hope for Americans.  But Senator Rand Paul was under funded and could not sustain the race for President.  Thankfully, he is a candidate for Senator from Kentucky.  Others ran to Senator Marco Rubio, a new voice, a young face and a solid message of hope.  But Senator Rubio was also underfunded and could not sustain the primaries.  Thankfully, Donald Trump encouraged him not to give up on a race for Senate and Marco Rubio is back on the election scene, a viable choose for Florida.   Many young, idealistic and enthusiastic people turned to Senator Bernie Sanders.  But Senator Sanders was undermined by the Hilary Clinton controlled Democratic National Committee.  He was stabbed in the back by Debbie Wassermann Schultz a DNC operative.  But more sad is Bernie Sander’s sell out of his ideas and ideals to Hilary Clinton- a sell out that brought tears of genuine hurt to his followers and calls of outrage for his duplicity.

At the end of the day there was only one man standing to carry the burden for his Republican party and be the voice for the disenfranchised and oppressed middle class.  Mr. Donald Trump stood up, stood tall, and stood fast in the face of unrelenting attack.  And the patriots of the New American Revolution know it and they will speak up and spread the revolution.

Rand Paul is a Brave Senator who Defends Persecuted Christians

Senator Rand Paul is courageous to stand up and stand out attempting to stop persecution of Christians. Senator Paul is a man of conviction and a man of courage who is bold in his defense of people, like the Christian minories in Moslem countries, who are being murdered, displaced and forced to flee for their lives. -Sadly, the ELCA, the Wisconsin Synod Lutheran Church and the Missouri Synod are silent.  Maybe America based Lutherans don’t care about the welfare or fate of other Christians.  The silence of the Churches further weakens their moral authority in an age where it is almost non existent anyway.  However, Senator Rand Paul, who is only tolerated by Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Marc Levin, is a brave, honest and outstanding political leader who is not beholding to the talk show pundits.  Seems, Rush, Sean and Marc prefer Ted Cruz to anyone else.  Yet, it has been Rand Paul who had led the fight for fairness in government. Senator Rand Paul should be recognized by the major conservative radio hosts as the best candidate for President there is. Senator Paul however is viewed by them with suspicion because he refuses to mouth the same words they do.   I guess, Senator Rand Paul does not EXACTLY fit their definition of Republican or Conservative.  And that is to their discredit because they define too narrowly the people with whom they are willing to work.

Why the Republicans Lost in 2012

Rick Santorum and the conservative right are the reason the GOP lost the last election.  They refused to back the agreed upon front-runner.  They did not work for him after he was chosen and they refused to vote for him on election day.  The conservative right complains that the left will not cooperate but it is equally true of them.  Santorum attacked Romney so viciously that Rick couldn’t honestly overcome the visceral nature of his attacks.  So, he and his followers and moneyed backers simply licked their wounds and went home sulking to come out and fight again this time.  The same is true of Gingrich, Ron Paul, (not Rand) and of most other conservatives.  Limbaugh, Hannity and Levin never really backed the agreed upon candidate.  Limbaugh eventually agreed that although Romney was not really a Limbaugh conservative (and therefore, not really conservative enough) nonetheless, Limbaugh agreed that Romney was the best Republicans had.  It was a veiled rejection of Romney, I believe.  Hannity, never really backed Romney until the very end, and then only with the same caveats as Limbaugh.  Levin, the same.  I guess, you need to believe, like Obama does, that you are the only person who is right and pure and righteous.  I guess you need to believe that the 595 members elected to the Congress by the people are the enemy.  And, like Obama, you can rule the nation with your selected ideas, subjecting the people to your imperial will.  So, here we go again with various factions of the electorate rallying to their narrowly defined “preferred” candidates…all good,  that is the American way….but if the Republicans agree to one of them at the convention and then the factions refuse to work for the candidate, refuse to donate and just go home, sulk and refuse to vote, then the Republicans will lose again.

The good news is that the Republican party is a society of thinkers, poets, progressives, moderates, liberals, conservatives, libertarians, and many others.  It is not a party of single minded thinking and locked in step obedience to the leader.  The Republican party is a true reflection of the American people who are themselves a people with varying opinions, religions and political philosophies.  The Republican party are fighters for their beliefs.  This also is good news because we need people of conviction willing to wrestle for their positions in the public square of ideas.  Sadly, this writer believes, that the Democrat party is of one mind.  It is the mind that is defined by the leadership and to which all Democrats bow.  The Democrat party is not reflective of the variety of positions within the populace.  Oh yes, individual Democrats may personally believe this or that idea, or think that this or that method is better than the one officially endorsed by the party.  But the Democrat will always support the official position of the party no matter their own personal beliefs.  This locked in step obedience to the party is why Democrat Senators and Congress persons were willing to pass Obama- care without reading it.  They were told by “you cannot know what is in the bill until you pass it…” Nancy Pelosi and “Dead on Arrival if it does not agree with me” Harry Reid…that they must vote yes.  And all Democrats did as they were told to do.  Obama and the Democrat party leadership said to jump and they responded, “how high and how fast?”.  It didn’t matter if the Democrat person thought that Obama-care was good or bad.  The only thing that mattered was the decision of the Democrat party leadership.  That decision was to be obeyed without question.

Too bad for America that our people seem to think that absolute obedience to the Democrat party leaders is better than public debate, public wrestling and public disagreement.  We are a people growing too willing to live in the cartoon world of Barney and Dora and the Disneyland of fairy tales without any difficult characters. Is that the result of the Disney iszation (I know it is not a word) of our society?  Some say, we are becoming too soft minded, all messy inside our heads.  Some say, that males are being tamed and “feminized” and that the wilderness character of people like Davey Crochett, Kit Carson, Abraham Lincoln, Lewis and Clarke is lost.  In response, the tea party movement has tried to revive interest in our founders, such as Thomas Jefferson, Samuel Adams, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison- seeing in them the successful nation that arose from their religious, philosophical and political struggles.

America today is facing an election for the House and Senate.  Hopefully, there will be lively and vibrant debate.  However, it must be a debate about ideas.  The presentations must be cogent, coherent and convincing.  The facts must be true and not created by “talking point” mentors who tell our politicians what to say to which group today, only to slightly modify it for the next group tomorrow.  And there absolutely must be an end to name calling, stereotyping, and feigned co-opting which has been so readily apparent with Obama, who says that Republicans must cooperate with him because he wants to cooperate with them, but, the same day, he tells the crowds that the Republicans are recalcitrant, red necked, backward and obstructionist who are to be blamed for everything from the state of the economy to the state of the weather.  (Did you notice how adroitly the Democrat party crafted the narrative that hurricane Katrina was the fault of the Republicans.  Katrina was President Bush’s hurricane and by careful inference, they said that all of results of Katrina were his fault.  And have you noticed that Mayor Nagin, the Democrat hero of Katrina, fled to Texas during the storm and is now under Louisiana and federal indictment for criminal activity before, during and after Katrina?  Amazing, to this writer, that Nagin’s  indictment is getting meager coverage by the major news media!!)

The run up to the 2014 election must reject the prevalent immorality of our Obama administration which evidently knew that Benghazi was a well planned terrorist attack against our embassy with the intention of murdering our ambassador, yet went to the United Nations and blamed it on an amateur You Tube video.  The 2014 election debates must refuse to accept the concept that our UN Ambassador must be promoted to the  National Security Council  because she obediently went on the Sunday Talk Shows and repeated the lie that the Obama Administration wanted all of us to believe.  We must reject political advertising that portrays people like Congressman Ryan as pushing our wheel-chaired grandmothers over the cliff.  And most certainly, we must reject the guilt be association that blames Hilary for President Clinton’s having oral sex with a young female White House intern. And we must also reject life style morality debates, especially over gay and lesbian and transgender issues.  However, as least for this writer, I do think that the place of these issues in the public school curriculum and the methods and age appropriateness of what is taught about these issues,- I believe, these to be legitimate issues for research and high level discussion and debate.  Yes, even political debate, although it is all too often not high level.

Finally, I’d like to make a simple statement about the race issue.  It should be a non issue.  As long as we keep it in the forefront as an issue, then racism continues.  Do we see a yellow man or a man who’s ancestry is Asian?  Do we see a black woman, or a woman who’s ancestry is black skinned.  What is an African anyway?  Egyptians, Libyans, Moroccan’s, Tunisians are Africans but they are not black.  Is African a racial characteristic?  Do we really want to say that it is?  Is it accurate?  Is Africa a continent or a country?  Is a Nigerian the same ethnicity as a Congolese? What is black, anyway?  Is it a racial characteristic?  Do we really want to say that it is?  Is it accurate? New Guinea aboriginals are black but they are not African.  Many peoples in India are dark brown or even black skinned but they too are not Africans.  I know Italian friends who get really dark skinned in the Summer.   The race debate is meaningless and President Obama, who thinks that many American citizens reject him because he is black skinned, is not helping.  I remember when the Cambridge Massachusetts police arrested a university professor.  President Obama said openly that the white policeman acted wrongly.  Obviously, our President saw it as a racial issue because he cast it as a white policeman acting wrongly against a black university professor.  That was the start of racial division politics from then till now.

Ok, I think I have wandered a little in this blog.  But at least it is out there for you to read, ponder and respond, if you care to engage.

There is a lot a stake in our nation.  We are under going a national wrestling match which may result in a “pin” or a technical win.  But to use another metaphor, it will not result in a knock out punch.  Nor should it.  Because a pin in wrestling is a win of strength that does not unduly hurt nor seek to destroy the opponent.  A knock out is a knock out. ( Yes, I know this is not the best analogy. If you care for another share it.!  I just hope you get the idea.)  I think we need to wrestle with each other but we do not need a fist fight  and definitely not a brawl.

Christians are Being Persecuted

It amazes me that Senator Rand Paul is courageous enough to stand up and stand out attempting to stop persecution of Christians  when the ELCA, the Wisconsin Synod Lutheran Church and the Missouri Synod are silent.  Maybe America based Lutherans don’t care about the welfare or fate of other Christians.  The silence of the Churches further weakens their moral authority in an age where it is almost non existent anyway.  However, Senator Rand Paul, who is unrecognized by Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and March Levin, is a brave, honest and outstanding political leader who is not beholding to the talk show pundits.  Seems, Rush, Sean and Marc prefer Ted Cruz to anyone else.  Yet, it has been rand Paul who had led the fight for fairness in government.  I believe it was Rand Paul who not only was an inspiration for Ted Cruz’ speech, but also an advisor, mentor and supporter.  Yet not a word of recognition by the major conservative radio hosts.  I guess, Senator Rand Paul does not EXACTLY fit their definition of Republican or conservative.  And that is their downfall they define too narrowly the people with whom they are willing to work.

Is Pope Francis to be treated like Obama?

It is distressing to see the mass media treating Pope Francis in the same way they are treating Obama.  How?  They are acting like there was no one good or meaningful or effective before Pope Francis.  This article for instance, seems to state that the Roman Catholic Church has not acted decisively concerning sexual abuse in the Church.  The writer is ignorant or refuses to acknowledge that Pope Benedict confronted the issue eight years ago, that he directed numerous advances against this abuse, and that he was consistent in his efforts to act decisively against them.  However, with the writer’s comment, “…Pope Francis inherited…” these problems from his predecessor, the author seems to negate all the good work that was done before, as though Pope Francis’ mere statement that the Church needed to act decisively was actually something.

Is this merely more of the mass media’s preference for style over substance?  Is this the same as Obama saying in speeches that we needed to make a budget but only four years later does he actually do the work of creating and submitting a budget?  Words are nice and gestures are nice but actions are better.  It does none of us any good for someone to say that others are supposed to do something, while we, ourselves, do nothing but talk.

I remember one of our most ineffective Presidents, Jimmy Carter.  He carried his own suits, and walked to the curb with his guests.  He also sat idly by while the militant Islamists invaded our embassy and imprisoned our embassy personnel.  He sent in our helicopters, but he did not do the needed research work before that ill-fated involvement, resulting in a botched mission and the needless death of our personnel.  Words are nice but without hard work implementing those words, people die!!

Let’s Honor our murdered dead–abc-news-topstories.html

Please write your congress person to insist that these great American citizens who were wantonly murdered on their way to deployment should not only get a purple heart, but the increased benefits to their families that is required of our nation.  That is, if are willing to be honest and insist that our dead, (they are dead brothers and sisters, and their children are without them!!). These American soldiers volunteered to serve the military mission of our nation.  They were American service personnel.  They would not have been brutally murdered if they were not on their way to carry out the commands of the American government.  Yes, that means the orders of President Obama. (look folks, those are merely the facts and not anti Obama statements.) So let’s not be small-minded and childish in our treatment of these heroes.  Yes, they did not die in combat, they were murdered.  They were brutally and wantonly murdered by a fellow soldiers who was himself a secret terrorist.  So they were killed by terrorists and we must demand that our military do the right thing and the right thing is NOT to allow Attorney General Holder’s insistence that this was “workplace violence”.  Shame on us if we do not honor these service members with a purple heart and decent benefits to their spouses and children.

Vatican Official Response


February 23, 2013, Saturday — Communique

…news reports abound which are often unverified or unverifiable, or completely false…” –Communique this morning from the Vatican’s Secretariat of State, released at the Vatican Press Office

The Vatican Speaks Out

Evidently concerned that the upcoming papal conclave to elect a successor to Pope Benedict XVI (the conclave is now expected to be held between March 10 and 15, though the date is not yet fixed) may be subjected to undue “pressure” from outside the Church, this morning, the Vatican Secretariat of State released the communique printed below.

The hope expressed is that the cardinals entering the Conclave be completely free to make their choice of the next Pope.

The desire expressed is for the complete freedom of the Church, libertas ecclesiae, from information, and from disinformation.

The fact that this Communique was thought necessary shows how seriously the Vatican is taking the current situation in the media, with rumors of all types swirling and spreading across the globe in mere seconds.

Clearly, the Secretariat of State is concerned about the danger that an individual cardinal, or the Conclave as a whole, may be unduly influenced by overwhelming “pressure” from outside the Church.

At the same time, there is a growing feeling among the Catholic faithful that the best way to ensure that such undue pressure is not exerted, that the “freedom of the Church” is protected, is for more of the truth about the “Vatileaks” affair, and the results of the investigation of the three cardinals into that affair, to come out.

As one reader (but there were dozens like him who have written to me) put it in an email this morning: “All the people and the faithful want, is the truth. If this continues to blow up as it would appear, then the Vatican should release the report. The people of God deserve the truth and nothing less, despite what may offend or injure the Church’s reputation. This has similar tones of cover up like what happened with the sexual abuse world wide. Let the cleansing begin.”




Secretary of State Communiqué on Conclave
(Vatican Radio) Please find below a Vatican Radio translation of a Secretary of State communiqué on conclave, issued Saturday:
“The freedom of the College of Cardinals, which alone, under the law, is responsible for the election of the Roman Pontiff, has always been strongly defended by the Holy See, as a guarantee of a choice based on evaluations solely for the good of the Church.
“Over the centuries, the Cardinals have faced multiple forms of pressure exerted on the individual voters and the same College, with the aim of conditioning decisions, to bend them to a political or worldly logic.
“If in the past it was the so-called superpowers, namely States, that sought to condition the election of the Pope in their favour, today there is an attempt to apply the weight of public opinion, often on the basis of assessments that fail to capture the spiritual aspect of this moment in the life of the Church.
“It is regrettable that, as we draw near to the beginning of the Conclave when Cardinal electors shall be bound in conscience and before God, to freely express their choice, news reports abound which are often unverified or unverifiable, or completley false, provoking damage to people and institutions.
“It is in moments such as these, that Catholics are called to focus on what is essential: to pray for Pope Benedict, to pray that the Holy Spirit enlighten the College of Cardinals, to pray for the future Pope, trusting that the fate of the barque of St. Peter is in the hands of God.”

Here is the same text in the original Italian, for those of you who would like to check the one against the other:


La libertà del Collegio Cardinalizio, al quale spetta di provvedere, a norma del diritto, all’elezione del Romano Pontefice, è sempre stata strenuamente difesa dalla Santa Sede, quale garanzia di una scelta che fosse basata su valutazioni rivolte unicamente al bene della Chiesa. Nel corso dei secoli i Cardinali hanno dovuto far fronte a molteplici forme di pressione, esercitate sui singoli elettori e sullo stesso Collegio, che avevano come fine quello di condizionarne le decisioni, piegandole a logiche di tipo politico o mondano. Se in passato sono state le cosiddette potenze, cioè gli Stati, a cercare di far valere il proprio condizionamento nell’elezione del Papa, oggi si tenta di mettere in gioco il peso dell’opinione pubblica, spesso sulla base di valutazioni che non colgono l’aspetto tipicamente spirituale del momento che la Chiesa sta vivendo. È deplorevole che, con l’approssimarsi del tempo in cui avrà inizio il Conclave e i Cardinali elettori saranno tenuti, in coscienza e davanti a Dio, ad esprimere in piena libertà la propria scelta, si moltiplichi la diffusione di notizie spesso non verificate, o non verificabili, o addirittura false, anche con grave danno di persone e istituzioni. Mai come in questi momenti, i cattolici si concentrano su ciò che è essenziale: pregano per Papa Benedetto, pregano affinché lo Spirito Santo illumini il Collegio dei Cardinali, pregano per il futuro Pontefice, fiduciosi che le sorti della barca di Pietro sono nelle mani di Dio.

As regards the material handled in the Moynihan Letters, the writer of this blog has a tendency to believe everybody.  I think there is some truth in all that is happening.  However, what that truth really is, nobody knows.  This aspect of Vatican politics can be very frustrating.  However, I believe that the approach of Dr. Moynihan is realistic, reliable, and interested in that which is considered by many to be the best for the Church.  However, I  also agree with the officials of the Vatican who rightly exposed and emphasized, as Dr. Moynihan did in his second report, that the reports and stories swirling around the Vatican are really rumors and sometimes rumors based on previous rumors.

I would also agree with those who say that historically, this kind of environment is not unheard of in the Vatican.  It is a small place.  It is a government and a Church.  It is international in scope and far reaching in effect.  So, it really shouldn’t surprize us.  Nor, if it does, should it automatically cause us to become self righteously judgemental regarding the people of the Vatican.

Blackmail at Vatican -more info

February 22, 2013, Friday — Stop

…As we grow older the world becomes stranger, the pattern more complicated…”

–T.S. Eliot, The Four Quartets, East Coker

The Witnesses

Last night, my phone rang twice, just before 3 in the morning. In the morning, I found three emails from the same person, a priest I know. He called again this morning.

 He wanted to know about my letter of yesterday, which discussed an Italian press report that the Pope has received information that his Curia is riven with factions, and that this was part of the reason he decided to step down from the papacy.

“What are you doing?” the priest asked me, excitedly. “Do you really have evidence of what you are writing? And why did you put those photos in, the photos of Simeon, and Balestrero, and Bruelhart? Are you suggesting they were involved somehow in this? Are you accusing them? That’s what it looks like. I’ve been getting calls and emails from all over the world. Most people were dismissing this as typical mud-slinging without any foundation, another attack on the Church, false. But now that you have written it, because you are respected, people are wondering what the truth is. What is the truth?”

“I was primarily just reporting what is appearing in the Italian press,” I said. “I put the photos in because they were the photos in the article in La Repubblica.”

“But is there any evidence the La Repubblica article is anything other than an invention? How could they have seen the cardinals’ Report? It makes no sense. The Pope has the only copy, right?”

“You have a point,” I said. “It isn’t clear from the article who is the real source for these reports.”

“Well, how could anything from the cardinals’ Report have leaked out?” he asked. “The three cardinals handed it directly to the Pope. Where was the leak? Only four people knew the contents of that Report: the three cardinals, and the Pope. Are you saying one of the three cardinals leaked it?”

“No. But that’s not the only possibility,” I said.

“What do you mean?” he asked, excitedly. “There were the three cardinals, and the Pope. Four people. No one else knew the contents.”

“Not necessarily,” I said.

“What do you mean, not necessarily? Tell me where I’m wrong.”

I hesitated.

“Look,” I said. “Don’t you see any other way that information about what was in that Report could have gotten out, without the cardinals revealing it, and without the Pope revealing it?”

“No,” he said. “The three cardinals wrote the report, and they gave it to the Pope. How could anyone else know what was in it?”

“Well, be imaginative,” I said. “What could be another possibility?”

“I can’t think of any,” he said. “Just that the whole thing is made up, a sheer invention, that there is no truth in it. It wouldn’t be the first time…”

“Ok,” I said. “Let’s imagine you are doing an investigation and you are preparing a report. How do you do that?”

“Well,” he said, “you take testimony. You interview people.”

“And so…” I said.

“So what?”

“So who knows what is in the Report?”

“The three cardinals,” he said. “They took the testimony, and it was all sub segreto…”

“Look,” I said. “Do you know the story by Edgar Allan Poe, ‘The Purloined Letter’? The letter was right there on the mantlepiece, out in the open, and no one saw it because they were sure it was hidden…”

“What are you saying?”

“Well, ok,” I said. “You are correct, the three cardinals and the Pope are the only ones who know the complete, final version of the Report, and it is unlikely that any of them revealed anything to anyone — unless the Vatican actually wanted this all to become public. But that seems unlikely. But you have forgotten about… the witnesses.”


“The witnesses,” I said. “They took testimony from dozens of monsignors, and some lay people. What do you think happened after those witnesses gave testimony? What do you think happened before they gave testimony?”

“What?” he asked.

“They talked to each other.”


“They talked to each other. They tried to see what questions they were going to be asked, and tried to coordinate what answers they might give, and after the testimony, they talked again, about what questions they had been asked, and what answers they had given.”

“How do you know that?” he asked.

“It’s a logical deduction,” I said, patiently. “An investigation means, ipso facto, that there were witnesses questioned. True, you can’t take it much further than that, on deduction alone. But, suppose you are an Italian journalist, and your job is to try to get something, anything, about the contents of that Report. And say you know some of the officials who work in the Vatican, and you talk to them. And suppose one or another of them  lets slip that, yes, they were questioned in the investigation. At that point, it wouldn’t be a far stretch to get some confirmation about what questions were asked and what answers were given… Because, of course, people would know what answers they themselves gave.”

“So, you are saying these reports are not based on a leak of the Report, but on interviews with monsignors who testified?”

“I suspect so, ” I said. “And not just monsignors.”

“Well, that seems pretty sketchy to me,” the priest said.

“I agree,” I said. “It is sketchy. There is not a single report yet that really is more than a sketch. They are drawing a sketch. That’s right. They don’t have all the details, just the broad outlines.”

“So there is no detailed evidence about those three people whose pictures you included?”

“No,” I said. “I included them only because they were the photos in the La Repubblica article, only for that reason.”

“Well, I hope you print a rectification,” he said. “Otherwise, what you are writing seems irresponsible…”

A few minutes later, he sent me an email. “Thanks for the clarifications,” he wrote. “It sounds to me like La Repubblica is throwing out very serious innuendo. I was just calling to give you a heads up that, unintentionally, a very wrong impression was coming across. Glad you can correct it. I think La Repubblica is throwing out a lot of innuendo (he repeated). Forgive me for advising out of place, but we need no more of these scandalous stories from the secular press, without corroboration and full of nasty implications. We have had plenty of this. Let’s meet some time.”

I went down near the Vatican. It was a cool day, almost cold. I felt exhausted, and slightly feverish.

Walking by a restaurant, the restaurant door opened and a monsignor came out. He came up to me. He was wearing clerical back and wore a Roman collar. Evidently, he had recognized me.

His face seemed familiar to me. It seemed to me I had seen him in the Vatican but I wasn’t sure, so I don’t know whether he works in the Vatican.

“Please,” he said to me, “allow us some privacy.”

He spoke in English, but with a slight accent.

At first I thought he wanted me to go with him to someplace private and talk, perhaps to tell me something.

“Give us some privacy,” he repeated, insistently.

Then I thought, “He must be referring to the article of last night.” I thought, “this priest, like the one who called me, is upset about what I wrote.”

I looked closely at his face, trying to place him. I still wasn’t sure who he meant by “us.” Priests in general, that is, all Catholic priests? Or, Vatican monsignors in particular?

“I am only reporting what others are reporting,” I said.

My words seemed not to satisfy him.

“Think about it,” he said, his eyes intent on mine, speaking with some emotion. “Give us some privacy.” He paused. “I mean it. If you don’t, it will only hurt your work, and you.”

He turned and walked back into the restaurant.

As I walked on, I received a phone call from my assistant, who had been in the press office.

“Monsignor Balestrero has just been named nuncio in Colombia,” she said to me. “It was announced officially this morning. He will be leaving the Vatican.”

I continued to study the La Repubblica article, and the Panorama article it was based on.

And the more I compared the two articles, both of which deal with the secret 300-page cardinals’ dossier prepared by Cardinals Herranz, Tomko and De Giorgi between April and December of 2012 “for the Pope’s eyes only,” the more I realized that there were numerous unsourced statements and conclusions.

Clearly, those who are skeptical or concerned about these reports, like the priest who called me in the night, or the priest who left his lunch to come talk to me, have a valid point: the evidence for a powerful “gay lobby” in the Vatican operating to influence curial and papal decisions, is “sketchy,” to say the least.

Perhaps the key phrase in the La Repubblica article of February 21 is the following: “La Relazione e esplicita. Alcuni alti prelati subiscono ‘l’influenza esterna’ — noi diremmo il ricatto — di laici a cui sono legati da vincoli di ‘natura mondana.'” (“The Report is explicit. Some high-ranking prelates are being subjected to ‘external influence’ — we would call it blackmail — by laypeople to whom they are linked by ties of a ‘worldly nature.'”)

This is the phrase which gave me the basis yesterday for my title, “Blackmail.”

The allegation here is that the Report of the three cardinals “explicitly” says that some high-ranking officials in the Curia are being “influenced” by “laypeople” who have “worldly connections” to them and therefore have influence over them — can blackmail them.

In the next few paragraphs, the article claims that the Report includes testimony about a number of past incidents in which Vatican officials were allegedly involved in some type of sexual activity, and asserts that the three cardinals delved into these incidents in their report in detail.

But how does the author of this article know this?

Nowhere in the article — nowhere — is there any indication that the author has actually seen the cardinals’ Report.

And, if one reads the La Repubblica story a 3rd and 4th time, one finds that there are only four quotations, that is, only four sourced sentences, in the entire article.

The first is a quotation is from a public talk of the Pope on Ash Wednesday, three days after he announced his resignation (in column 1), where the Pope warned of “divisioni nel corpo ecclesiale che deturpano il volto della Chiesa” (“divisions in the ecclesial body which besmirch the face of the Church”).

This says nothing specific about the contents of the Report of the three cardinals.

The second is a public talk by Cardinal De Giorgi (bottom of column 1, top of column 2) in reaction to the Pope’s resignation, where De Giorgi says: “He made a gesture of strength, not of weakness. He did it for the good of the Church. He gave a strong message to all in the exercise of authority or of power who believe that they are not able to be replaced. The Church is made up of human beings. The pontiff saw the problems and faced them with an initiative [his resignation] which was as unprecedented as it was visionary [the word used is ‘lungimirante,’ ‘far-sighted‘].”

This says nothing specific about the contents of the Report.

The third is from the Pope’s last Angelus remarks, on February 17, when he said there is a need to “unmask the temptations of power that exploit God for their own interests.”

This says nothing specific about the contents of the Report.

The fourth quotation (column 3) is from “a man very close to the man who drafted the Report.”(!)

This is at best second-hand information.

And this is the only source even close to the Report that is cited in the entire article, and un-named, of course.

And what does this source say? “Tutto ruota attorno alla non osservanza del sesto and del settimo commandamento.” (“Everything [in the Report] centers on the non-observance of the 6th and 7th commandments.”)

The entire 4th column of the article is a series of “vignettes” or allusions to old cases which the author of the La Repubblica piece, Concita De Gregorio, says were “explored” by the three cardinals in their investigation, and summed up in their Report.

But no evidence is given that this actually occurred; that is, no evidence is given that the Report actually contains material related to “a villa outside Rome” or other places where meetings or parties allegedly occurred.

In other words, this article contains no sourced evidence whatsoever, except for the (alleged) statement of “a man close to the man who drafted the Report” that “everything centers on the non-observance of the 6th and 7th commandments.”

That sentence is the only “semi-sourced” sentence in the entire article.

Everything else is assertion.

And, interestingly, at the end of the article, there is a very odd little paragraph, which I noticed the first time I read the article, yesterday at noon-time. It says that “on the last day of his pontificate [February 28], Benedict XVI will receive the three cardinals who composed the Report in private audience. Immediately afterward, next to Tomko [who is from Slovakia], he will see the bishops and faithful of Slovakia in St. Mary Major. His last public audience.”

The point of this was to show how much respect Pope Benedict has for Cardinal Tomko, enough that he will meet with Slovakians on his last day as Pope.

And Benedict undoubtedly has great respect for Tomko, who is now 89.

But it is simply not true that the Pope will meet with Slovakian Catholics in St. Mary Major, or anywhere.

This sentence is simply, totally, untrue.

The Pope will not go to St. Mary Major on the last day of his pontificate.

Indeed, the effort to get a Pope across the city of Rome from the Vatican to another basilica is a major one, requiring weeks of pre-planning. Such a trip never happens without weeks of advance notice. And there has been no notice of such a planned trip across town.

Frankly, anyone who knows anything about the Vatican, any Vatican journalist, from the newest to the oldest, would have, and should have, known that this statement, that the Pope would go across town to St. Mary Major on the last day of his papacy, is impossible and silly.

Yet this statement ends the article.

Father Federico Lombardi, S.J., the director of the Vatican press office, noted this at a press conference yesterday, just a couple of hours after the La Repubblica article appeared.

He said that this evident error at the end of the article should be reason for anyone who reads the article to take

A question arose: who is Concita De Gregorio (photo), the author of the La Repubblica article?

Well, she is a 49-year-old Italian journalist and writer, married with four children. She was born in Pisa to a Spanish mother and an Italian father. She took her college degree in political science, then went to work for various TV and radio stations in north-central Italy. She began to work at La Repubblica in 1990, covering Italian politics.

Significantly, she was named the editor of the daily l’Unità, from 2008 to 2011. L’Unità was the daily of the Italian Communist Party throughout the 1970s and 1980s, until the party dissolved and changed its name to the Democratic Party of the Left.

So the thought came to me that perhaps this woman, who certainly is accomplished and is known in Italy as an excellent, eloquent writer, may nevertheless have superficial knowledge of the Vatican, and may write from the perspective of someone who has focused on Italian politics, and has worked for a formerly Communist newspaper. It would be useful to meet with her, I decided.

Of course, a person can make one mistake, and her article can still contain some truths.

But, in the case of this article, the overall bottom line is this: the article is a strange amalgem which makes unsubstantiated, un-sourced assertions about the Report of the three cardinals, weaves them into a story built around two quotes from Pope Benedict and one from Cardinal De Giorgi — none of which make a direct reference to the cardinals’ Report — and one un-sourced quote from “a man close to the man who drafted the Report” which says the whole Report revolves around the two sins of adultery and stealing.

In short, there is nothing here to hang one’s hat on.

Then why did I give any credibility whatsoever to the article, in my letter of yesterday, and even today?

Well, for four chief reasons.

First, this article appeared in one of Italy’s major papers — the largest circulation paper in the country — and it was “picked up” by others who sent the news around the world.

Second, because this was not the only article on this matter. There was also the article the La Repubblica article was based on: the article by Ignazio Ingrao in Panorama, which I still need to examine.

Third, I have had conversations with high-ranking Church officials over more than 25 years, including with Archbishop Paul Marcinkus, who once headed the Vatican bank, and Pope Benedict himself, before he became Pope, which led me to consider the possibility that some of these allegations might have some truth in them.

Fourth, and most importantly, because I think it is critical to discern whether the Church and her leaders are: (a) being slandered by the attacks of her enemies, or (b) whether human weaknesses, sins and betrayals are preventing the Church from carrying out her mission effectively, and subjecting her to forces from outside her. It is part of my work as a writer about the Church to try to discern these things.

The Church’s mission is to preach and live the Gospel, not simply to maintain a political or cultural position, a position that sometimes may even be an impediment to her mission.

Few things could be more dangerous to the Church than that her leaders be subject to blackmail. If a friend or member of my family would be subject to blackmail, I would move heaven and earth to help that friend or family member to be free of such evil tentacles.

I believe that, to protect the Church, to protect her freedom and her mission, each and every source of outside pressure and control which might influence, constrain or compel a decision to be taken on any basis other than the basis of what is for the good of the Church, and in keeping with the faith that has been handed down to us, must be identified and if possible removed.

I believe that it is critical that no Pope, no cardinal, no bishop, no priest, no layperson, be subjected to any form of “blackmail.” We should fight to remove any shadow of outside “influence” over the decisions of the Church’s leaders.

I believe that some of the issues touched on in the La Repubblica and Panorama articles are, in fact, of deep concern to the Holy Father.

I believe that the cardinals who enter the upcoming Conclave must be free to continue the effort to cleanse and purify the Church that Pope Benedict has attempted to carry out.

The truth on these matters is not to be feared. Christ is with His Church, and always will be. What is to be feared is anything that covers up the truth, and makes the Church vulnerable to outside pressures and interests.

The Church must be free to carry out her essential identity and mission. And it is the freedom of the Church that is at stake today.

(to be continued)