Trump Does Not Hate Hilary

Many of those who oppose Trump also oppose the people who voted for Trump in the primaries. They are against regular, hard working American citizens who got out and went to the polls and voted for Donald Trump. These antagonists to Trump say that the people who voted for Trump are ignorant, or misinformed, or low information voters, or just bigots, racists, or whites who have been left behind, or Uncle Tom Blacks. The anti Trump people, who are both Democrat and Republican, are themselves arrogant snobs, and elitists, who look down on so called “working class” or so called “blue collar” people. They are the problem and not the solution. They are the cause and not the remedy. They are the disease and not the cure. They are repugnant and must be rejected.
The Trump revolution is real. It includes a host of real people who have real lives, and real jobs, and real families and do not live on Park Avenue, New York, or the various haunts of the rich and powerful. And it is their realness that is swelling in power as it rises up to overwhelm and utterly reject the arrogant pride of the anti Trump forces. It is a rising tide of power that will drown the prideful voices of the privileged and smother them under an overwhelming vote of popular affirmation for Donald J. Trump and his intentional preference for the regular and the ordinary and the citizens of America.
This is a real revolution. As of now, it is a political revolution. It is the last desperate gasp of hope by a long suppressed silent majority. It is their last desperate faith in a system that has been corrupted and rigged against them. And they are the ones, the so called clueless taxpayers, who are arrogantly expected to pay for it,-they are the ones who are still hope filled by one man, Donald J. Trump–a billionaire, who like a champion, has entered the arena and volunteered to fight for their cause.
If you, my friend, are reading this, I ask you to vote for Mr. Trump. If you are indeed a friend, and I acknowledge that assertion to be a bold one, nonetheless, if you are a friend, I ask you to share the hope filled and faith filled and reality filled message of Donald Trump. American is supposed to be great. I really believe that is our destiny. Not as a matter of undue pride, but as a humble acceptance of the burden of greatness.
Friends, this writer is a Christian. I am not afraid nor am I ashamed of it. However, I accept and acknowledge that there are Jews, and Hindus, and witch-ans and Confucians, and Shinto-ans, and many other good people of God’s Spirit who are anxious about our America. Trump has no exclusive claim on them nor they on him. But please allow me to assert, that he, Donald J. Trump, and he alone, is standing forward and bravely accepting the derision of those who mock and laugh and deride our faiths, and mock us as they say that we “cling to our guns and our Bibles”.
The author of this article has been involved in political and social revolution before. These have failed. Why? Because good people, people who said that they were on our side, failed to follow through. Your author is afraid of the same result, but I am asking you not to accept the same result–failure. My heart and soul cry out to you to rise up and to go out and to vote for a successful political revolution. Vote for Trump. Your vote is important. If you vote, it will change America for the better. It will change America forever.

Trump is The Future

This blog entry is written at 9.28 after a seven hundred and thirty mile car drive from Lexington, Kentucky. It is a stream of consciousness blog entry concerning Donald Trump for President.

Donald Trump is the future and Hilary Clinton is the past. Yes, it is nice and nostalgic to think about the simple past. But the past is the past and there is no return to it. Hilary Clinton with her “first” husband Bill Clinton is the past and there is, no doorway to that past. It is over.

Donald Trump is the future. He is new. He is bold. He is not afraid. He is willing to go where no politician has ever gone before. This writer votes for the future. He votes for his own future which is tied to the bold initiatives of Donald Trump. He votes for the future of his children which is tied to the honesty and basic human integrity of Donald Trump. He votes for the future of his grandchildren which is tied to Mr. Trump’s sincere promise to do the best he can (and that is formidable) to undo the toxic policies of the past and to initiate a brand new policy that will benefit all American citizens whether they are new after being her illegally for fifteen years or they are born of parents who came here in 1838.

Friends, and I regard you as friends even if you disagree, we have an option in November. We can vote for Hilary and the past or Donald and the Future. I vote for the future.

Moderates for Trump

When is it time to moderate your viewpoint in order to achieve success?  This is a very important question for the voters in this 2016 election.  It is not concerning only the Presidential candidates, but also the Senate and House of Representatives candidates.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016 Republican House member Paul Ryan won his primary battle against a newcomer.  It was an important event because Representative Ryan is also Speaker of the House of Representatives.  Therefore, he is third in line of succession to the Presidency if both the President and Vice President should be killed.  He is also the leader of the House and it is from there that a great deal of legislation originates and it is from there that all money legislation starts.  As the Speaker of the House, Ryan is either an ally or a foe of the President and Executive policies. In a very real sense, Speaker Ryan is the head of the legislative branch, even as Chief Justice Roberts is the head of the Judicial branch and if elected, Donald Trump will be of the Executive branch.  All of them supposed to be equal in power so as to safeguard against any one branch of government becoming dictatorial.

Ryan is a member of the Republican party.  At the beginning of this election cycle Speaker Ryan seemed hostile to the potential of Mr. Donald J. Trump becoming the Republican nominee for President.  Eventually, Mr. Trump became the nominee, and met with Mr. Ryan to overcome any objections that Speaker Ryan had about candidate Trump.  Recently, a seeming disconnect occurred when Mr. Trump seemed to support Mr. Ryan’s opponent at the Primary level.  Much commotion was caused by the media, but Mr. Ryan affirmed his support for Mr. Trump and Mr. Trump officially endorsed Paul Ryan.

Does it matter?  Who knows?  But it was a symbol  to this writer that voters will need to moderate their political positions in response to the extraordinary opportunity to elect a truly non politician Mr. Trump.  Why?  Because there is a new American Revolution happening.  It is a political revolution. It is a revolution of the workers against those who do not care to work.  It is a revolution of business people against those who would tax businesses out of existence.  It is a revolution of union workers against those who approve of exporting their jobs to foreign countries.  It is a revolution of citizens against those who seek citizenship by breaking the law,  It is a revolution of middle class people against effete snobs in universities who take their money and use it to turn their children’s values against them- a middle class that is tired of Black Lives Matter, of Occupy Wall Street, of Ferguson and looting, of agitators who burn down neighborhoods hooded Muslim athletes, spitting out their hate for America and  of anti morality advocates who claim that if a man wants to pretend he is a women and enter a woman’s bathroom, it is OK.   It is a revolution of all Americans against liars, cheaters, phonies, manipulators, and elite political careerists who think that they are owed the Presidency because they are the “best qualified” for the job.

Yes, this writer is a Trump advocate.  Yes, this writer is a moral conservative.  Yes, this writer identifies with the Republican party.  However, “yours truly” supports Mr. Trump because I believe that the New American Political Revolution that we daily experience has made him the voice of the disenfranchised American who is told to give over America to immigrants who for twenty years have succeeded in breaking the law.  A Revolution of disgusted Americans who see the results of a President who disparages them for clinging to their Bibles and guns and who started his administration by claiming that the White (his words) cop in Cambridge, acted foolishly; of Americans who are still startled by Secretary of State Clinton’s testimony about the murder of four embassy personnel in  Benghazi, Libya, ” What difference does it make, they are dead?!”

The New American Revolution represented by Donald Trump is a political revolution.   It is one last expression of American citizens that they may be able to save the USA from its spiral into the oblivion of Presidential executive orders and a newspaper and news reporting system that constantly treats them as stupid people to be used, manipulated, lied to and propagandized.  And Donald Trump?  Billionaire business man and Republican nominee for President, what of him?  He did not make the New American Revolution,  It made him.  He did not convince people to believe as they do, they find in him a leader willing to listen to their beliefs and to respect their opinions and to honor them as citizens of the USA.   This New American Revolution is political for now.  It is based on hope, the hope of a majority of citizens who have been ill treated by their leaders, lied to by their media and who have seen their beloved nation delivered to illegals, law breakers, and college teachers who despise them and seek to turn their own children against them.

Will this phenomenon remain political?  Who knows!  If the religious right cannot moderate their views to embrace Donald Trump, the revolution may fail.  If the Conservatives cannot moderate their views to accept a less than “pure” conservative in Donald Trump, it may fail.  If the vast rank and file of adherents to the Democrat party cannot move toward Mr. Trump, it will fail.  But its failure, if it happens, may be the new strident revolution that dismisses politics and like a Phoenix from the ashes rises to create a new reality, a viable third political party that will forever change the power structure of America.

Why Donald Trump?

Why is so much attention being focused on Mr. Donald Trump? The other candidates are barely getting any press coverage. It is not because they do not have something to say. It is not because they do not have programs and solutions to offer. It is not because they do not have excellent campaign organizations. It is because the press and the major media are giving Mr. Trump so much coverage. Why do they do this? Mr. Trump is a flashy candidate who they find entertaining and therefore as someone who will help them sell their news. The other candidates with more political knowledge and experience are forced out of the news by the antics of the often clownish antics of Mr. Trump. That is too bad. It would be an injustice to America to promote one political upstart just because he is entertaining while ignoring the others who may have things of more substance and importance to contribute.

John Boehner is not a Coward

Mr. Hannity is a Gruber. He started the show with the obvious intention to attack Speaker Boehner. He then proceeded to tell each guest that Speaker Boehner was wrong to work toward a budget. Mr. Hannity said that he believed the House of Representatives could have gone with a Continuing Resolution (CR) which would put them into the New Year when they would have super majorities in both Houses. However, Mr. Hannity did not explain what Hannity would do about balking Democrats and rebellious Tea Party Conservatives. He also did not explain how putting off the budget deal would have better served the nation. He seemed to think that the only reason the Republicans had a majority was to defeat Democrats and thwart President Obama. It seemed to this writter that Mr. Hannity proposed a totally partisan answer to the budget without regard for Democrats. However, this writer thinks that a key message from the 2014 election was to get Congress working again and not to merely promote a Conservative Republican political agenda.

It is impossible for anyone to describe this episode of Hannity as “fair and balanced.” It was a small minded intolerant attack on the Speaker of the House of Representatives. It was personal and Mr. Hannity made no apologies for the “mano y Mano” nature of his assault. But is it really fair to attack Speaker in this way? The speaker was not there to defend himself and as a public official he has very little recourse for an answer. For the Speaker of the House of Representatives to directly answer Mr. Hannity would be to give Hannity way too much respect. This is especially true since Sean Hannity acted so disrespectully toward John Boehner by never addresing his comments to the “Speaker”. Instead, he preferred to use the dismissive title “Boehner”. But in references to Rep. Pelosi, he called her by her first and last name.

Does anyone need to even honor Mr. Hannity’s insulting use of the word “coward” or “cowardly”? Such comments by Mr. Hannity should be rejected and this viewer thinks that an apology is required.

All the guests on Hannity were partisans and could be expected to agreed with Sean, and they did. The one guest to disagree was Mr. Karl Rove, who was cut off by what (I hope) was a hard commercial break and not Mr. Hannity’s control board?!

One last word from here; Mr. Hannity accused Speaker Boehner, who is third in line to the Presidency, of being a Gruber. This reference to thinking that you could fool the American people because they are stupid, is more true of Mr. Hannity than Speaker Boehner. Mr. Hannity seems to feel that he can come on the TV, attack the Speaker of the House of Representatives as a coward, as acting cowardly and of being a Gruber. Well, Hannity can do that but at the risk of infuriating his viewers and of tarnishing the reputation of the news network for which he works. He further hurts himself because its shows his personal and passionate dislike for Mr. John Boehner. At the least, Mr. Sean Hannity should stop such shameful treatment of Speaker. Maybe all future reporting on the Speaker should be handled by someone else.

Rand Paul and Paul Ryan

I still think the team of Romney and Ryan was a wonderful opportunity for America. As of now I think it could be Rand Paul and Paul Ryan. I know a lot of people are angry at Congressman Ryan for budget matters. But the key is that he wanted to pass a budget in order to get control of spending back to the Congress. The Democrats have succeeded in using the Continuing Resolutions process to NOT pass a budget and thereby hand over complete control of spending to President Obama. That is why Obama was able to spend so much money. Now that we have a budget, imperfect though it be, the congress and budget committees can control and reign in the spending and President Obama no longer has a blank check to write. They have already corrected the mistake about military retirement pensions. They will do more. As for Rand Paul’s libertarian leanings, so what?! He doesn’t want war? Great. He believes in the rule of reason and law? Good. He thinks that the Constitution should be strictly interpreted? Fantastic. He thinks that government must be reduced in size and more actual power returned to State and Local governments. Bravo. He loves America and does not seek to fundamentally transform it into a socialist welfare state? Awesome. Let’s get behind the Republican candidate and not do the Gingrich, Santorum, even Ron Paul (Father to Rand) and fight till the convention and then go home to Va. Pa. and Tx. without giving wholehearted support to the candidate (Romney and Ryan.) I believe that we lost because those three groups fought too long, refused to donate to the candidate, refused to work for him, and stayed home on election day. I also blame Limbaugh, Hannity, and Levin for seeking a so called PURE Conservative instead of supporting the best team we could field. Let’s not do it to ourselves again. By the way I like the sound of the two names, Rand Paul ( a R and a P ) and Paul Ryan (a P and a R ).

Why the Republicans Lost in 2012

Rick Santorum and the conservative right are the reason the GOP lost the last election.  They refused to back the agreed upon front-runner.  They did not work for him after he was chosen and they refused to vote for him on election day.  The conservative right complains that the left will not cooperate but it is equally true of them.  Santorum attacked Romney so viciously that Rick couldn’t honestly overcome the visceral nature of his attacks.  So, he and his followers and moneyed backers simply licked their wounds and went home sulking to come out and fight again this time.  The same is true of Gingrich, Ron Paul, (not Rand) and of most other conservatives.  Limbaugh, Hannity and Levin never really backed the agreed upon candidate.  Limbaugh eventually agreed that although Romney was not really a Limbaugh conservative (and therefore, not really conservative enough) nonetheless, Limbaugh agreed that Romney was the best Republicans had.  It was a veiled rejection of Romney, I believe.  Hannity, never really backed Romney until the very end, and then only with the same caveats as Limbaugh.  Levin, the same.  I guess, you need to believe, like Obama does, that you are the only person who is right and pure and righteous.  I guess you need to believe that the 595 members elected to the Congress by the people are the enemy.  And, like Obama, you can rule the nation with your selected ideas, subjecting the people to your imperial will.  So, here we go again with various factions of the electorate rallying to their narrowly defined “preferred” candidates…all good,  that is the American way….but if the Republicans agree to one of them at the convention and then the factions refuse to work for the candidate, refuse to donate and just go home, sulk and refuse to vote, then the Republicans will lose again.

The good news is that the Republican party is a society of thinkers, poets, progressives, moderates, liberals, conservatives, libertarians, and many others.  It is not a party of single minded thinking and locked in step obedience to the leader.  The Republican party is a true reflection of the American people who are themselves a people with varying opinions, religions and political philosophies.  The Republican party are fighters for their beliefs.  This also is good news because we need people of conviction willing to wrestle for their positions in the public square of ideas.  Sadly, this writer believes, that the Democrat party is of one mind.  It is the mind that is defined by the leadership and to which all Democrats bow.  The Democrat party is not reflective of the variety of positions within the populace.  Oh yes, individual Democrats may personally believe this or that idea, or think that this or that method is better than the one officially endorsed by the party.  But the Democrat will always support the official position of the party no matter their own personal beliefs.  This locked in step obedience to the party is why Democrat Senators and Congress persons were willing to pass Obama- care without reading it.  They were told by “you cannot know what is in the bill until you pass it…” Nancy Pelosi and “Dead on Arrival if it does not agree with me” Harry Reid…that they must vote yes.  And all Democrats did as they were told to do.  Obama and the Democrat party leadership said to jump and they responded, “how high and how fast?”.  It didn’t matter if the Democrat person thought that Obama-care was good or bad.  The only thing that mattered was the decision of the Democrat party leadership.  That decision was to be obeyed without question.

Too bad for America that our people seem to think that absolute obedience to the Democrat party leaders is better than public debate, public wrestling and public disagreement.  We are a people growing too willing to live in the cartoon world of Barney and Dora and the Disneyland of fairy tales without any difficult characters. Is that the result of the Disney iszation (I know it is not a word) of our society?  Some say, we are becoming too soft minded, all messy inside our heads.  Some say, that males are being tamed and “feminized” and that the wilderness character of people like Davey Crochett, Kit Carson, Abraham Lincoln, Lewis and Clarke is lost.  In response, the tea party movement has tried to revive interest in our founders, such as Thomas Jefferson, Samuel Adams, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison- seeing in them the successful nation that arose from their religious, philosophical and political struggles.

America today is facing an election for the House and Senate.  Hopefully, there will be lively and vibrant debate.  However, it must be a debate about ideas.  The presentations must be cogent, coherent and convincing.  The facts must be true and not created by “talking point” mentors who tell our politicians what to say to which group today, only to slightly modify it for the next group tomorrow.  And there absolutely must be an end to name calling, stereotyping, and feigned co-opting which has been so readily apparent with Obama, who says that Republicans must cooperate with him because he wants to cooperate with them, but, the same day, he tells the crowds that the Republicans are recalcitrant, red necked, backward and obstructionist who are to be blamed for everything from the state of the economy to the state of the weather.  (Did you notice how adroitly the Democrat party crafted the narrative that hurricane Katrina was the fault of the Republicans.  Katrina was President Bush’s hurricane and by careful inference, they said that all of results of Katrina were his fault.  And have you noticed that Mayor Nagin, the Democrat hero of Katrina, fled to Texas during the storm and is now under Louisiana and federal indictment for criminal activity before, during and after Katrina?  Amazing, to this writer, that Nagin’s  indictment is getting meager coverage by the major news media!!)

The run up to the 2014 election must reject the prevalent immorality of our Obama administration which evidently knew that Benghazi was a well planned terrorist attack against our embassy with the intention of murdering our ambassador, yet went to the United Nations and blamed it on an amateur You Tube video.  The 2014 election debates must refuse to accept the concept that our UN Ambassador must be promoted to the  National Security Council  because she obediently went on the Sunday Talk Shows and repeated the lie that the Obama Administration wanted all of us to believe.  We must reject political advertising that portrays people like Congressman Ryan as pushing our wheel-chaired grandmothers over the cliff.  And most certainly, we must reject the guilt be association that blames Hilary for President Clinton’s having oral sex with a young female White House intern. And we must also reject life style morality debates, especially over gay and lesbian and transgender issues.  However, as least for this writer, I do think that the place of these issues in the public school curriculum and the methods and age appropriateness of what is taught about these issues,- I believe, these to be legitimate issues for research and high level discussion and debate.  Yes, even political debate, although it is all too often not high level.

Finally, I’d like to make a simple statement about the race issue.  It should be a non issue.  As long as we keep it in the forefront as an issue, then racism continues.  Do we see a yellow man or a man who’s ancestry is Asian?  Do we see a black woman, or a woman who’s ancestry is black skinned.  What is an African anyway?  Egyptians, Libyans, Moroccan’s, Tunisians are Africans but they are not black.  Is African a racial characteristic?  Do we really want to say that it is?  Is it accurate?  Is Africa a continent or a country?  Is a Nigerian the same ethnicity as a Congolese? What is black, anyway?  Is it a racial characteristic?  Do we really want to say that it is?  Is it accurate? New Guinea aboriginals are black but they are not African.  Many peoples in India are dark brown or even black skinned but they too are not Africans.  I know Italian friends who get really dark skinned in the Summer.   The race debate is meaningless and President Obama, who thinks that many American citizens reject him because he is black skinned, is not helping.  I remember when the Cambridge Massachusetts police arrested a university professor.  President Obama said openly that the white policeman acted wrongly.  Obviously, our President saw it as a racial issue because he cast it as a white policeman acting wrongly against a black university professor.  That was the start of racial division politics from then till now.

Ok, I think I have wandered a little in this blog.  But at least it is out there for you to read, ponder and respond, if you care to engage.

There is a lot a stake in our nation.  We are under going a national wrestling match which may result in a “pin” or a technical win.  But to use another metaphor, it will not result in a knock out punch.  Nor should it.  Because a pin in wrestling is a win of strength that does not unduly hurt nor seek to destroy the opponent.  A knock out is a knock out. ( Yes, I know this is not the best analogy. If you care for another share it.!  I just hope you get the idea.)  I think we need to wrestle with each other but we do not need a fist fight  and definitely not a brawl.

Rand Paul is Correct about the Today’s Rules for Speaking


Senator Rand Paul is correct in asserting that speeches do not carry the same rules of attribution as written material.  If speeches followed the same rules then the speaker would never get past the first sentences.  Much of what is thought has also been thought by someone else.  When written material such as books, journals and the like were the main sources of information, we were trained to cite the source title, date, place of publication and author or editors etc.  However, in the age of cinema and Wikipedia, and Internet, the possibility is very high that someone somewhere has written the same thoughts as you have, (like I am doing now). If the item to be spoken is exactly literal, it may be a good idea to mention the person.  But just because The Rev.Dr. Martin Luther King said, “I have a Dream” does not mean that no one can ever use those four words again.  Although if the reference is to Rev. Dr. King and to the civil rights movement it may be a good idea to mention him and his speech.  Yet, even here a case can be made for the use of allusion in speech whereby we evoke the image of the other person and their words while intentionally not mentioning them by name.  This is a valid technique to tease the mind of the listener to make the needed connection.  Rachel Maddox knows this.  She is a college grad.  She is a published writer.  She is a public speaker.  Her comments about Senator Paul should be taken in the context of her need for publicity and her need to attract audiences for her shows and her book.  This is not to dismiss her questions or demean her objections but it is to place her comments in a wider and interesting context concerning the rules for writing and public speaking today.

Are all Liberals Prejudiced? One Wonders!

“…one-sided, overwhelmingly white, aging, anti-gay, anti-immigrant, science-denying districts want.” A person does not need to read any further than this in order to see that the author is herself a narrow-minded, prejudiced bigot with an amazing amount of self-righteous confidence who claims to be analyzing.  However, this article is full of one-sided, myopic stereotypes which discredit her supposed analysis and reveal it to be nothing more than a rant.

Only Obama Can Cause Default

Marc Levin broadcast Monday Oct 14th that only Obama can cause a default.  According to Levin, the US Constitution charges the President with the responsibility to pay all the debts of the USA.  It seems that Congress has the power of the purse but the President is the actual writer of the check.  Levin stated that under Article One of the USA Constitution the President is required to prioritize the accounts payable to assure that the government does not default.  Therefore, Levin stated, it is President Obama and Obama alone who decides whether the USA defaults.  Furthermore, Levin said that there is enough money presently in the USA checking account with billions coming in daily plus the end of year payments which can easily fund payments to our creditors.

The President, however, is constantly stating that it is the House of Representatives who will cause the USA to default.  Obama has broadcast again and again that Congress, namely, the House of Representatives, that is causing default and should be held responsible.  Levin, however, said that the Congress is powerless over default because the Constitution specifically states that the payment of our accounts payable is solely the duty of the President.  If the President refuses to pay the debts of the USA he is not carrying out his legal responsibilities, and he is not keeping his oath to support and defend the Constitution of the USA.

Levin made one power filled comment during his three hour program, namely, that the only job of the President of the USA is to uphold and defend the Constitution of the USA against its enemies, both foreign and domestic.  That is it.  Nothing else, at least in this matter of the credit of the USA, matters!

Marc Levin went on to say that he believes the Obama government is trying to usurp the power of the House of Representatives by insisting on seizing for the President the power of the purse and of passing laws and of raising taxes.  These explicitly enumerated powers are given exclusively to the Congress by the Constitution.  If the President tries to seize these powers for himself, he is acting against the Constitution and his oath of office and should be indicted by the House of Representatives by articles of impeachment.

Levin’s comments are very informative.  Unlike the above citied news article which accuses Obama of all sorts of egregious behavior, the Levin argument is based solely on the Constitution and the potential accusation that the President is not upholding, defending and protecting the Constitution.

Additionally, the present actions of Obama put him in the position of antagonist and enemy of the House of Representatives and by his many statements that the House is hostage to the so-called Tea Party adherents, who Obama claims are to be rejected, the President positions himself to illegally seize the powers of the House for himself, thereby abolishing the House and becoming a ruler.  This kind of ruler would not be checked or balanced by the House of Representative and would be ruling by presidential directive also called a dictate.  Obama would then be a dictator.

This writer is not putting this before you because I have any desire impeach Obama.  However, if Marc Levin’s interpretations are correct, and if future days play out a scenario such as he envisions, I also would strongly state that the House is required by the Constitution to present articles of impeachment against such a seizure of power by the President.