Help President Trump be a Better President

The Washington Post and New York Times newspapers have been very highly critical of our elected President. From the time that the election was finalized these two newspapers have set up the conspiracy theory about the supposed Russian influence upon the election and an array of criticisms, critiques and editorial accusations. All of this effort by two renown newspapers has been singularly aimed at defeating our democratically elected President. They cannot defeat the election, since even the most cynical people acknowledged that the language used for supposed Russian influence borders on the silly because influence does not mean “hacked” and no one is even suggesting that the actual voter machines were corrupted by the Russian bogeyman. Nonetheless, the Washington Post, The New York Times, Yahoo and Google have all cooperated in a frontal assault upon our new President and his young administration.

This author will not give credibility to the various campaigns that are launched daily by these two newspapers and their Internet partners. But one must wonder as to the reason for their crude assumption that the American electorate is absolutely wrong to have elected President Trump! Franky, I do not comprehend their reasoning. But I will propose that they think the voters are stupid and the newly elected President is even more stupid. In fact, they would claim that anyone who even considers the possibility that President Trump can succeed in “Making America Great Again.” is crazy. That’s it, plain and simple! People for Trump are not only wrong, they are crazy. But why do these newspapers think this way?

I suggest that they have revealed themselves to be narrow-minded, dogmatically Democrat, doctrinally liberal and people who despise the ordinary hard-working middle class American who elected President Trump. I would even go further, suggesting that the editorial boards and reporters of these two newspapers have lost all sense of proportion and fairness in their one hundred percent conviction that their task is to defeat President Trump, defeat his policies, and thereby defeat the American voters who exercised their elective franchise and made him our President. The war of the Washington Post and the New York Times is not against President Trump, rather, it is an openly covert campaign to put down, crush and eradicate the values of the middle class American who voted for him. This effort is a war against middle class workers, middle class mothers and fathers, and middle class family values. It is a war against mainline synagogues and churches and is an unrelenting Jihad against anyone and any institution that does not bow to the philosophical gods promoted by them .

It does not need to be this way. The people at the desks of the Washington Post and the New York Times are also American citizens. The voters for Trump have always acknowledged this, although, the WP and the NYT would not grant the middle class the same designation, preferring cute slander and effeminate slight. But, that said, it is acknowledged by this writer that the people spoken of here are not haters of America, but have a different vision of what they think should be the future of America. Fair enough. But is it really necessary to attack our newly elected President and his young administration with a continuous barrage of criticism, critique and editorial shouting? If the Washington Post and the New York Times really think they have the better plan, then let them help our new President and his young administration to see that plan by explaining it, laying it out clearly in non vitriolic policy articles and working hard to convince President Trump and the voters who elected him that there is a different and better way to govern the nation.

It is imperative that these two venerable news organizations and their Internet and cable proxies stop the effort to defeat Donald Trump and the so-called deplorable and insufferable and un-redeemable Americans who elected him. It can start with a clear acknowledgment that there was no Russian “hacking” of the election. It can continue with a mind change from Donald Trump outsider and one time business mogul, to President Trump the elected head of the American government and our representative to the world. And it could be sustained by an overt effort to help the new President, carried out with the same energy and dedication as the effort to defeat. If this is beyond their capability, then the American reader, citizen, consumer, and voter have every right to reject these two News organizations as anti-American, Anti-democracy and as being organizations worthy of being ignored.

I am not a Disgrace to Women

I have copied this from someone’s facebook and think it’s brilliant…So agree … written Liz Ardnt

I am not a “disgrace to women” because I don’t support the women’s march. I do not feel I am a “second-class citizen” because I am a woman. I do not feel my voice is “not heard” because I am a woman. I do not feel I am not provided opportunities in this life or in America because I am a woman. I do not feel that I “don’t have control of my body or choices” because I am a woman. I do not feel like I am ” not respected or undermined” because I am a woman.
I AM a woman.
I can make my own choices.
I can speak and be heard.
I can VOTE.
I can work if I want.
I control my body.
I can defend myself.
I can defend my family.
There is nothing stopping me from doing anything in this world but MYSELF.
I do not blame my circumstances or problems on anything other than my own choices or even that sometimes in life, we don’t always get what we want. I take responsibility for myself.
I am a mother, a daughter, a wife, a sister, a friend. I am not held back in life but only by the walls I choose to not go over which is a personal choice.
Quit blaming.
Take responsibility.
If you want to speak, do so. But do not expect for me, a woman, to take you seriously wearing a pink va-jay-jay hat on your head and screaming profanities and bashing men.
If you have beliefs and speak to me in a kind matter, I will listen. But do not expect for me to change my beliefs to suit yours. Respect goes both ways.
If you want to impress me, especially in regards to women, then speak on the real injustices and tragedies that affect women in foreign countries that do not that the opportunity or means to have their voices heard.
Saudi Arabia, women can’t drive, no rights and must always be covered.
China and India, infanticide of baby girls.
Afghanistan, unequal education rights.
Democratic Republic of Congo, where rapes are brutal and women are left to die, or HIV-infected and left to care for children alone.
Mali, where women can not escape the torture of genital mutilation.
Pakistan, in tribal areas where women are gang raped to pay for men’s crime.
Guatemala, the impoverished female underclass of Guatemala faces domestic violence, rape and the second-highest rate of HIV/AIDS after sub-Saharan Africa. An epidemic of gruesome unsolved murders has left hundreds of women dead, some of their bodies left with hate messages.
And that’s just a few examples.
So when women get together in AMERICA and whine they don’t have equal rights and march in their clean clothes, after eating a hearty breakfast, and it’s like a vacation away that they have paid for to get there…
This WOMAN does not support it.

Democrats are political terrorists

Since the election of Donald Trump to be President of the USA, we have witnessed daily attempts by Democrats to stop the peaceful transition of power. There was the day after cries of foul that lead to the demand for a recount of votes. But the Democrats did not ask for recounts in West Virginia, or Kentucky but only for recounts in the three States which would have denied President-elect Trump the needed electoral votes. This political terror tactic was accompanied by a chorus of high-profile media people saying that Mr. Trump was not “their” President. The disregard for the voters who legitimately elected President-Elect Trump was daily broadcast over media stations with panels and pundits and election gurus all saying that the people who elected him were duped, or fooled or just “angry white men”.  The recounts showed that not only did Donald Trump win the three States but he increased his lead, albeit, by a few hundred votes in each State. Then there was the chorus from Hollywood that actors and other entertainers would not respect the new President’s request to entertain at his inauguration. It was daily reported about this one or that one who refused to participate because of their dislike for Mr. Trump, VP Pence, the campaign staff, the proposed cabinet, and ultimately, their contempt for the millions of legal voters who exercised their God-given right to vote. Add to all of this, the myth of the so-called Russian hack of the Democrat National Committee(DNC) offices and the nature of this unAmerican terror tactic of intimidation and lies goes beyond the real into fantasy. There was an interception of DNC emails and data from their computers but there is not one shred of evidence it was directed by Russia or Russians. There is also absolutely no proof to the allegation that this was a hacking of the election. Even President Obama, no friend of Donald Trump, stated publically that there was no interference with the voting process in the USA. This statement has been proven again and again. However, the nefarious use of the term, “hacked the election” used by the Democrats confused and misled people. Add to all of this the murky involvement of the CIA and Mr. Clapper, and the FBI and Mr. Commey in the completely false attestation to the fabricated Trump “dossier” scandal and one can see the willingness of Democrats to use the government itself to smear the President-elect and deny the voters their freedom. All of this process, although not Muslim type terrorism, is nonetheless, political, social and cultural terrorism. The antic today inform us as we look back on the many years when Congress and the Senate were gridlocked and nothing accomplished.  It is the Democrats who need to be examined. The inauguration of Donald Trump to be President of the USA is a hope-filled day. The inauguration is the day when the peaceful political revolution of the people which resulted in his nomination and election victory will start a new era of hope and change. This time, not by a phone and a pen and a grid-locked Congress of petulant Democrats, but by robust debate, and congressional legislation. By the way, let’s keep a keen eye on the Democrats in Congress. If they do not acknowledge Donald Trump as President, and if they try their political terrorist tactics in Congress, then we the people need to make sure they don’t win reelection in 2018.

Fake News, Russian Hack, Whatever?!

We seem to have coined brand new categories of concern in 2016. The terms “Fake News” and “Russian Hack” have enter the public vocabulary. But are these items representative of something real?

What is “fake News”? This term points to Internet news sites that pretend to present incorrect or false information as news. The intention is for the reader to believe that the site is reporting about something that existed, or that happened. However, in fact,  “Fake News” did not happen and the reported item does not exist. “Fake News” is itself fake. It does not exist. It did not happen. The connection of the word “fake” and “news” is not logical. If it is fake, it is not News. If it is News, it is not fake. So what is this thing labeled “Fake News”?  It is a lie. We need to stop using the term “Fake News” and call it what it is, namely, a lie.

This leads to the second item that is being bantered about in our media, “Russian Hack.” What is a Russian Hack?  More specifically, what is meant by the concept that the “Russians hacked the USA elections.” Is this news? Is it a lie? Did it happened? What happened? Did it have an effect on anything? If this is “Fake News” than it is simply a lie. If something happened, what is the “something” that happened? It is not obvious to this writer that anything happened. It is not clear that if something happened, that the “Russians” did it. By the way, who are these Russians supposed to be? Is it  the government of Russia? Is it some citizens of Russia? Is it Americans who speak Russian? Is it the bogeyman? None of this is clear, and it is suggested that none of it may have happened. It may all be a lie?

But you respond, “How can you be so foolish to deny that Russian government “hackers” invaded the Internet Servers of Americans?” After all, the Central Intelligence Agency(CIA) says it happened. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) says it happened. Some people have reported that all the intelligence agencies of the USA government say that it happened. But still the question is, “What happened?” The answer is that Emails and internal correspondence of the Democrat National Committee (DNC) were retrieved from their Internet Servers and these Emails and correspondence were publicly shared by an organization named Wiki Leaks. This reported retrieval of data from the DNC servers was done by someone using a process called “hacking.” This “hacking” could have been done by a DNC insider, one of billions of Internet users, or someone else, including the intelligence agencies of the USA or the Russian Republic. And how do we know this? It is because the intelligence agencies of the USA, who are themselves expert hackers, tell us it happened. So, we are recipients of information from our intelligence hackers that other intelligence hackers hacked us.

Where does all of this convoluted information leave us?  Nowhere!  However, the hysteria of what is called “Fake News” and what is called “Russian Hacking” has created a precedent that directs news agencies and even whole departments of a government to pursue something that does not exist. What to do? Slow down! Investigate, examine and evaluate information presented and seek to answer the fundamental question. “Is this truth or is this not truth?” Until these two questions are answered, all of the insistence by the various political groups that a person MUST accept the concept of “Fake News” or “Russian Hacking” should be considered propaganda worthy of Goebbels of the Hitler era.

Trump Has Not Even Started

The following is a reprint that says it better than I can

Only a week after Donald Trump’s election victory, the same pundits who said he could never win are making it sound like his presidency has already failed. They claim his lack of major Cabinet level appointments thus far show he is bogged down. They say his pledge to “drain the swamp” in Washington is compromised because he is surrounded by “swamp creatures.” Even when Trump steps out for a private dinner with his family, the press howls about a “lack of transparency.”
President-elect Trump is being held to an impossibly high standard, considering he won’t even take office for 10 weeks. Michael Gerson griped in The Washington Post that Trump has not produced “a set of developed proposals” for his policy priorities, or indicated a “favored bill or detailed plan” for rebuilding the nation’s infrastructure, or told Congress exactly how he wants to replace Obama care. “Many Republican members of Congress are frankly confused,” Gerson wrote.
Confused, really? Because a man who won’t move into the White House until mid-January hasn’t submitted a comprehensive legislative agenda to a new Congress that itself hasn’t  convened? It would be more confusing if he had.
Journalists are also quick to pounce when they sense Trump is putting daylight between his current positions and his campaign promises. Whether on Obama care, the wall with Mexico or appointing a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary Clinton’s emails, tarot-card-reading reporters have detected subtle softening, shifting, walking things back. But it is contradictory to criticize Trump for not being specific enough about implementing his agenda, and at the same time allege he is backing away from his promises.
Contrast Trump’s transition to President-elect Bill Clinton’s. Before his inauguration, Clinton managed to flip-flop on his China policy, water down his promised middle-class tax cut, and abandon his pledge to admit Haitian refugees. Commerce Secretary-designee Ron Brown became embroiled in a scandal about corporations offering to pay for his inaugural party, and attorney general nominee Zoe Baird fell afoul of the Nanny-gate controversy and was thrown under the bus. As The New York Times said a few days before the inauguration, “The Clinton administration looks ready to hit the ground stumbling.”
Some claim that the Trump transition is dragging its feet. Politico stated that “Trump was caught flat-footed by winning,” offering as evidence that “his transition team has been slow to engage with the outgoing administration.” But Trump is sprinting down the track compared with Ronald Reagan’s laid-back transition. The Gipper’s first move was to take a short vacation on his ranch in California, where transition head Ed Meese said the president-elect “hasn’t even looked at a list” of prospective appointees. Donald Trump met with President Obama a mere two days after the election, while Reagan and President Carter waited until Nov. 20 to sit down together at the White House. A week after that,  Reagan had still not reached out to his prospective Cabinet officials. Asked by a reporter outside a barbershop in Beverly Hills whether he had called any potential nominees, the Gipper simply said, “Nope.”
Maybe Trump’s unprecedented rise to the presidency has trained reporters to expect more from him than they did from his predecessors. But they are a little too demanding under the circumstances. People in a hurry to declare Trump’s presidency failed should at least have the courtesy to first let it begin. They should let Trump be Trump and see what happens. It will take more than a week for America to make the transition to being great again.
James S. Robbins, an expert on national security, foreign affairs and the military, is an author and a member of USA TODAY’s Board of Contributors. His books include This Time We Win: Revisiting the Tet Offensive.
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People of Islam Claim we Must change our Laws

In an article by the Gatestone Institute published on Internet, the Institute reported on a month long emphasis in Britain upon the topics of multiculturalism and Islam. A quote from their article says: “This area is home to a large Muslim community. Please have respect for us and our children and limit the presence of dogs in the public sphere…those who live in the UK must learn to understand and respect the legacy and lifestyles of Muslims who live alongside them.”
Can we say the same for the Muslims, namely, that having migrated to UK from a foreign country and having accepted the hospitality of the people of Great Britain, that it is necessary for the Muslims to learn to understand, and respect the legacy and lifestyles of English people into whose country they have moved? After all, multiculturalism is a two way street of interaction and interchange between groups with equal rights and equal status. But this seems to not be acceptable to the so called Muslim community. Instead, they tell others to respect, consider and understand, while they continue to be closed minded.
This writer does not know if the Muslims of Great Britain were invited to move in or they just moved in! Nonetheless, the Muslims are immigrant visitors to Great Britain and if they were born and raised there, it seems they have not accepted the nation, its people or its culture. But they have accepted the safety, security and freedom affirming policies of a parliamentary, historically Christian society. Instead of integrating into the society of Great Britain, the Muslim community has banned together voluntarily as a religious ghetto exclusive to itself and demanding of exceptions from others.
The problems with Muslims that Great Britain is facing are the same problems that could flare up in USA. The Republican nominee for President, Donald Trump, is not a bigot, a religious zealot or a racist. He is merely reflecting the strong opinion that in USA, America and Americans have priority. It is a strong political position because Mr. Trump is reflecting the consensus of popular public opinion when he says that only people who love America, love the American political system, and love the American people, should be let into the USA.

Trump Does Not Hate Hilary

Many of those who oppose Trump also oppose the people who voted for Trump in the primaries. They are against regular, hard working American citizens who got out and went to the polls and voted for Donald Trump. These antagonists to Trump say that the people who voted for Trump are ignorant, or misinformed, or low information voters, or just bigots, racists, or whites who have been left behind, or Uncle Tom Blacks. The anti Trump people, who are both Democrat and Republican, are themselves arrogant snobs, and elitists, who look down on so called “working class” or so called “blue collar” people. They are the problem and not the solution. They are the cause and not the remedy. They are the disease and not the cure. They are repugnant and must be rejected.
The Trump revolution is real. It includes a host of real people who have real lives, and real jobs, and real families and do not live on Park Avenue, New York, or the various haunts of the rich and powerful. And it is their realness that is swelling in power as it rises up to overwhelm and utterly reject the arrogant pride of the anti Trump forces. It is a rising tide of power that will drown the prideful voices of the privileged and smother them under an overwhelming vote of popular affirmation for Donald J. Trump and his intentional preference for the regular and the ordinary and the citizens of America.
This is a real revolution. As of now, it is a political revolution. It is the last desperate gasp of hope by a long suppressed silent majority. It is their last desperate faith in a system that has been corrupted and rigged against them. And they are the ones, the so called clueless taxpayers, who are arrogantly expected to pay for it,-they are the ones who are still hope filled by one man, Donald J. Trump–a billionaire, who like a champion, has entered the arena and volunteered to fight for their cause.
If you, my friend, are reading this, I ask you to vote for Mr. Trump. If you are indeed a friend, and I acknowledge that assertion to be a bold one, nonetheless, if you are a friend, I ask you to share the hope filled and faith filled and reality filled message of Donald Trump. American is supposed to be great. I really believe that is our destiny. Not as a matter of undue pride, but as a humble acceptance of the burden of greatness.
Friends, this writer is a Christian. I am not afraid nor am I ashamed of it. However, I accept and acknowledge that there are Jews, and Hindus, and witch-ans and Confucians, and Shinto-ans, and many other good people of God’s Spirit who are anxious about our America. Trump has no exclusive claim on them nor they on him. But please allow me to assert, that he, Donald J. Trump, and he alone, is standing forward and bravely accepting the derision of those who mock and laugh and deride our faiths, and mock us as they say that we “cling to our guns and our Bibles”.
The author of this article has been involved in political and social revolution before. These have failed. Why? Because good people, people who said that they were on our side, failed to follow through. Your author is afraid of the same result, but I am asking you not to accept the same result–failure. My heart and soul cry out to you to rise up and to go out and to vote for a successful political revolution. Vote for Trump. Your vote is important. If you vote, it will change America for the better. It will change America forever.

Trump is The Future

This blog entry is written at 9.28 after a seven hundred and thirty mile car drive from Lexington, Kentucky. It is a stream of consciousness blog entry concerning Donald Trump for President.

Donald Trump is the future and Hilary Clinton is the past. Yes, it is nice and nostalgic to think about the simple past. But the past is the past and there is no return to it. Hilary Clinton with her “first” husband Bill Clinton is the past and there is, no doorway to that past. It is over.

Donald Trump is the future. He is new. He is bold. He is not afraid. He is willing to go where no politician has ever gone before. This writer votes for the future. He votes for his own future which is tied to the bold initiatives of Donald Trump. He votes for the future of his children which is tied to the honesty and basic human integrity of Donald Trump. He votes for the future of his grandchildren which is tied to Mr. Trump’s sincere promise to do the best he can (and that is formidable) to undo the toxic policies of the past and to initiate a brand new policy that will benefit all American citizens whether they are new after being her illegally for fifteen years or they are born of parents who came here in 1838.

Friends, and I regard you as friends even if you disagree, we have an option in November. We can vote for Hilary and the past or Donald and the Future. I vote for the future.

Trump, Hilary and Obama

Much is made of the idea that a vote for Hilary is a vote to extend the Obama policies. This is because they feel that the Obama policies were the wrong policies. These people fear that Hilary is politically and perhaps financially indebted to Obama and his billionaire backers. Why is this a problem? It is because voters want the person they elected. They do not want the backers, lobbyists, power brokers and political careerists who are backing Hilary. To think that Hilary will be her own person and reject the demands of her financial and political backers is to believe that such people, with such a heavy investment in her, will allow her to be independent. That is unlikely.

What is wrong with the Obama legacy? It starts in Cambridge Mass. There, President Obama inserted his own brand of black racism into a neutral situation,. His assertion that the Cambridge police were acting “foolishly” when they tried to protect the property of a black professor was a huge signal that he intended to interpret things from a black versus white prejudice. This racist philosophy evidenced itself again and again. Notable for this writer was the George Zimmermann and Evon Martin Case. Again Obama inserted his racism when he made several public comments on the case. He went so far as to say that if Obama had a son, he would look like the victim. This seemingly innocuous statement was Obama’s taking sides in the judicial case identifying himself with the victim and thereby casting a shadow of guilt on George Zimmermann.

The next episode for our remembering is the method of passage for Obamacare. The President used obvious bribery of political support, public contracting support, and favoring the pet projects of Senators who would sell their convictions for money and the promise of patronage. Additionally, Obama, in typical fashion, moved quickly, once he had bribed votes, to cut off any opposition. Some would call this politics as usual, this writer calls it blatant interference in the legislative functions of the Congress. This strident disregard for the separation of powers clause of the Constitution is further revealed by Obama’s use of Executive Orders. Executive Orders are the same as writing and passing legislation without permission of the legislature. The most prominent expression of Obama’s lack of respect for our constitution was his statement that with his phone and his pen he would bypass Congress and impose his will on the citizens without their consent.

The concept that the so called Constitutional scholar Barrack Hussein Obama should want to usurp the Constitution by a dictatorial use of his phone and his pen is very troubling. For this writer that alone, if extended by the Hilary administration, spells more Federal intrusion into our lives and more dictatorship of the federal government over business, education and personal life. Therefore, a vote for Trump is a vote against an overly dictatorial federal government and its continuation under a Hilary administration.

Moderates for Trump

When is it time to moderate your viewpoint in order to achieve success?  This is a very important question for the voters in this 2016 election.  It is not concerning only the Presidential candidates, but also the Senate and House of Representatives candidates.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016 Republican House member Paul Ryan won his primary battle against a newcomer.  It was an important event because Representative Ryan is also Speaker of the House of Representatives.  Therefore, he is third in line of succession to the Presidency if both the President and Vice President should be killed.  He is also the leader of the House and it is from there that a great deal of legislation originates and it is from there that all money legislation starts.  As the Speaker of the House, Ryan is either an ally or a foe of the President and Executive policies. In a very real sense, Speaker Ryan is the head of the legislative branch, even as Chief Justice Roberts is the head of the Judicial branch and if elected, Donald Trump will be of the Executive branch.  All of them supposed to be equal in power so as to safeguard against any one branch of government becoming dictatorial.

Ryan is a member of the Republican party.  At the beginning of this election cycle Speaker Ryan seemed hostile to the potential of Mr. Donald J. Trump becoming the Republican nominee for President.  Eventually, Mr. Trump became the nominee, and met with Mr. Ryan to overcome any objections that Speaker Ryan had about candidate Trump.  Recently, a seeming disconnect occurred when Mr. Trump seemed to support Mr. Ryan’s opponent at the Primary level.  Much commotion was caused by the media, but Mr. Ryan affirmed his support for Mr. Trump and Mr. Trump officially endorsed Paul Ryan.

Does it matter?  Who knows?  But it was a symbol  to this writer that voters will need to moderate their political positions in response to the extraordinary opportunity to elect a truly non politician Mr. Trump.  Why?  Because there is a new American Revolution happening.  It is a political revolution. It is a revolution of the workers against those who do not care to work.  It is a revolution of business people against those who would tax businesses out of existence.  It is a revolution of union workers against those who approve of exporting their jobs to foreign countries.  It is a revolution of citizens against those who seek citizenship by breaking the law,  It is a revolution of middle class people against effete snobs in universities who take their money and use it to turn their children’s values against them- a middle class that is tired of Black Lives Matter, of Occupy Wall Street, of Ferguson and looting, of agitators who burn down neighborhoods hooded Muslim athletes, spitting out their hate for America and  of anti morality advocates who claim that if a man wants to pretend he is a women and enter a woman’s bathroom, it is OK.   It is a revolution of all Americans against liars, cheaters, phonies, manipulators, and elite political careerists who think that they are owed the Presidency because they are the “best qualified” for the job.

Yes, this writer is a Trump advocate.  Yes, this writer is a moral conservative.  Yes, this writer identifies with the Republican party.  However, “yours truly” supports Mr. Trump because I believe that the New American Political Revolution that we daily experience has made him the voice of the disenfranchised American who is told to give over America to immigrants who for twenty years have succeeded in breaking the law.  A Revolution of disgusted Americans who see the results of a President who disparages them for clinging to their Bibles and guns and who started his administration by claiming that the White (his words) cop in Cambridge, acted foolishly; of Americans who are still startled by Secretary of State Clinton’s testimony about the murder of four embassy personnel in  Benghazi, Libya, ” What difference does it make, they are dead?!”

The New American Revolution represented by Donald Trump is a political revolution.   It is one last expression of American citizens that they may be able to save the USA from its spiral into the oblivion of Presidential executive orders and a newspaper and news reporting system that constantly treats them as stupid people to be used, manipulated, lied to and propagandized.  And Donald Trump?  Billionaire business man and Republican nominee for President, what of him?  He did not make the New American Revolution,  It made him.  He did not convince people to believe as they do, they find in him a leader willing to listen to their beliefs and to respect their opinions and to honor them as citizens of the USA.   This New American Revolution is political for now.  It is based on hope, the hope of a majority of citizens who have been ill treated by their leaders, lied to by their media and who have seen their beloved nation delivered to illegals, law breakers, and college teachers who despise them and seek to turn their own children against them.

Will this phenomenon remain political?  Who knows!  If the religious right cannot moderate their views to embrace Donald Trump, the revolution may fail.  If the Conservatives cannot moderate their views to accept a less than “pure” conservative in Donald Trump, it may fail.  If the vast rank and file of adherents to the Democrat party cannot move toward Mr. Trump, it will fail.  But its failure, if it happens, may be the new strident revolution that dismisses politics and like a Phoenix from the ashes rises to create a new reality, a viable third political party that will forever change the power structure of America.